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Welcome To The Banswara Central Cooperative Bank Ltd. Official Website - BANSWARA CCB

दी बांसवाडा सेन्ट्रल को-ऑपरेटिव बैंक लि. कॉलेज रोड बांसवाडा (राज.)  (भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक के लाइसेन्स संख्या ग्रा.आ.ऋ.वि. सह. 3, दिनांक मार्च 18, 2010 के द्वारा बैंकिंग व्यवसाय हेतू अधिकृत)
FOR OUR BRANCHES, Please Login Through Branch login For Latest Circulars.

Rupay Cards

RuPay is an Indian domestic card scheme conceived and launched by the National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI).


National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI) is an umbrella organization for all retail payments system in India. It was set up with the guidance and support of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and Indian Banks’ Association (IBA).

ABP (Aadhaar Payment Bridge)

Aadhaar Enabled Payment System is a way to get money from the bank account. This system of getting money neither requires your signature nor Debit card. You don’t even need to visit a bank branch for getting money through the Aadhaar Enabled Payment System.

 Locker Facility Available

The Banswara Central Cooperative Bank Provide You locker Facility for your valuable's at very reasonable charges. Come and open your locker now to prevent your valuable's safe with our locker facilities.


The Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana will offer an accidental death and full disability cover of Rs. 2 Lakh and for partial disability cover of Rs. 1 Lakh. This cover is available to people in age group 18 to 70 years.


प्रधानमंत्री जीवन ज्योति बीमा योजना (Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana):- इसकी घोषणा वित्तमंत्री अरुण जेटली ने28 फरवरी 2015 कोअपने वार्षिक बजट 2015-16 में की | देश में अत्यधिक वर्गों को आर्थिक सुरक्षा का अभाव हैं |


भामाशाह योजना - इसमें एक परिवार के किसी दो सदस्य का बैंक खाता खोला जाता है और उसके साथ 1 लाख रूपए का दुर्घटना बीमा दिया जाता है। जबकि भामाशाह योजना राजस्थान के परिवारों की महिला प्रमुखों के लिए है।

FINANCIAL INCLUSION - वित्तीय समावेशन

The Banswara Central Cooperative Bank registered as Cooperative Society under Rajasthan Cooperative Society Act 1953, Registration No. is 115-B, The Banswara Central Cooperative Bank started functioning on 21.07.1953. The Banswara Central Cooperative Bank is a RBI Licenced Co-operative bank, Its RBI Licence no is ग्रा.आ.ऋ.वि. सह. 3, दिनांक मार्च 18, 2010.

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Product & Services Available At The Banswara Central Cooperative Bank Limited